As per the agreed terms, the company will supply seven V112-3.0 MW wind turbines, which will be installed at Beregovaya and Stavki wind power plants.

The delivery of the wind turbines is expected to commence at the end of the third quarter of 2013 and commissioning of the plants is expected to be completed by the fourth quarter of 2013.

Scope of the contract includes turbine supply, installation and commissioning of the turbines, a VestasOnline Business SCADA solution.

Vestas Central Europe Eastern Europe/Austria Sales vice president Mikael Rönholm-Nielsen said that Vindkraft was one of the key players in the Ukrainian wind energy sector.

Vindkraft managing director Carl Sturen said, "We are pleased to continue our collaboration with Vestas in Ukraine. We are determined to develop a project portfolio of wind power plants in Kherson to contribute to the overall growth of renewable and green energy production in this country.

"We partnered with Vestas in 2011 to develop our projects Novorossiske 1 and Novorossiske 2, both equipped with V112-3.0 MW. For our new wind power plants Beregovaya and Stavki we once again choose Vestas because of their leadership in the wind energy business and our belief that they have the necessary technology, experience and reliability to develop a young market like Ukraine."

The Beregovaya and Stavki wind power plants are expected to generate around 70GWh of enough clean electricity to power around 15,000 households in the nation.