The energy storage system will capture train braking energy through a regenerative braking process and power discharge back to the station to support rail traffic while simultaneously participating in the PJM Interconnection market for frequency regulation.

Envitech Energy, a provider of alternative energy storage traction solutions, was selected as the system integrator to deploy its ENVISTORE System.

The system controls the energy exchange between the network and Saft’s energy storage systems (ESS), recovering the braking energy from the trains, storing it in the ESS and releasing it to the network upon command.

Saft North America Energy Storage Sales VP Blake Frye said through this project, Saft is supplying the first dual purpose trackside energy storage system in North America from their dedicated faiclity in Florida,US.

Viridity Energy president and CEO Audrey Zibelman said they needed a smart system that would easily integrate with their VPower software optimization system – Saft’s Intensium battery met all their criteria.

The pilot project is targeted for commissioning by the end of 2011.