Vitesse Semiconductor said EcoEthernet 2.0 delivers energy efficient feature set and minimizes power in the network by optimizing performance for all link speeds by offering industry OEMs energy-saving flexibility in temperature monitoring, smart fan control, and adjustable LED brightness for green network appliances.

The company claimed that EcoEthernet 2.0, notwithstanding the network speed, enhances performance for green Enterprise LANs, data centers, and carrier networks. Gigabit ethernet ports dissipate well below 400mW, while drawing less than 200mW when operating in fast ethernet speeds.

Features intended to reduce fan and front-panel display power ensure that switches and carrier access systems based on EcoEthernet 2.0 offer low energy use for green network appliances, according to the company.

The recent work of the IEEE’s 802.3az EEE Task Force to establish further green opportunities for ethernet are aligned with coalition efforts such as The Green Grid and GreenTouch for making enterprise, data center, and telecom networks more energy efficient. Vitesse said that its EcoEthernet technology allows manufacturers to design products for these emerging standards.

The company plans to introduce new SparX Ethernet switch and SimpliPHY transceiver products with integrated EcoEthernet 2.0 features, starting this quarter.

Jason Rock, product marketing manager of Vitesse Semiconductor, said: ”Until now, most Ethernet IC development has focused solely on the cost and performance gains achieved by using 65nm technology. However, relying on this process alone is not a comprehensive green strategy.”