Having completed refueling outage in the fall of 2012, the Unit 1 requires new fuel every 18 months.

Vogtle Units 1 and 2 site vice president Tom Tynan said the unit has provided power for more than 513 consecutive days during this cycle.

"That’s maximum performance. The phenomenal job our employees do every day is what makes that possible," Tynan added.

Apart from refueling the reactor, the workers will also perform regular maintenance and tests, and plant equipment upgrade during the outage.

More than 1,050 additional workers from Westinghouse, General Electric, Williams, as well as other companies have also arrived at the plant to perform special tasks.

Vogtle’s team is also supported by the employees from across the Southern Nuclear fleet in the refueling effort.

Vogtle Unit 2 will continue electricity generation, while Unit 1 is offline and refueling.