Amorim’s ReCORK and their Canadian marketing partner Sole said that they have teamed up to bring new life to old wine corks in the form of a new line of cork-blended footwear products and packaging materials, to be released in the first quarter of 2010. Sole is a manufacturer of footwear products, with distribution throughout North America.

Antonio Amorim, chairman of Corticeira Amorim, said: “We are looking for ways to extend the life cycle of a natural product and to heighten awareness of the important role cork forests play in the fight against global warming. ReCORK gives us the opportunity to tell both stories through our collaboration with WWVWA.”

Elizabeth Martin-Calder, executive director of WWVWA, said: “When you consider there are 13 billion natural corks sold into the world market each year, most of which find their way into already overcrowded landfills, it just makes sense to find new uses for this, until recently, under-appreciated resource.

“As a grower and winery trade association, with a commitment towards sustainable farming and winery operations, it feels appropriate for us to take the lead in promoting this kind of initiative through our members.”

The Walla Walla Valley Wine Alliance (WWVWA) is a grower and winery membership organization committed to furthering the awareness of the quality wineries, wines, and vineyards of the Walla Walla Valley Appellation.