This first edition of the conference produced by PennWell International, the publishing and event company behind Water & Wastewater International and WaterWorld journals, will take place in Doha, Qatar in October 2011.

The conference team is inviting the industry to share knowledge, experience and ideas with technical and strategic decision-makers and strategists.

The conference topics will include pricing and tariff structures; country overviews; project structures including BOT and BOOT; renewable powered desalination; water loss and leakage control; groundwater management and aquifer recharging; wastewater reuse, recycling and sludge treatment and disposal.

Being one of the world’s largest consumers of water on a per capita basis, Qatar has already spent more than $5bn on water desalination over the last decade and to meet ever increasing demands.

The country is expected to invest a further $10bn in water over the next decade, and this will result in an 18% rise in water production.

Qatar is expecting huge investment over the coming years, following the successful bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Conference director Tom Freyberg said that this conference development couldn’t have come at a better time.

"Demand for fresh water continues to grow in the region, coupled with increasing population and urbanisation levels," Freyberg said.

WaterWorld Middle East is aimed to serve the water industry and will provide the opportunity to represent companies and networks with leading organisations and high-level influencers.

Another event called POWERGEN Middle East will also be held at the same place on the same date.