“We had originally hoped in projections that the project would cost $165,000,” Superintendent Dave Marston told the Herald Tuesday. “But due to requirements from the DEQ and the health department, because of the peak flow of wastewater, we had to spec larger tanks.”

Marston said that the district was also required to have a higher grade of sand for filling the drain field.

Marston said that the district had no choice to complete the project.

“The DEQ said that we needed to substantially upgrade the wastewater treatment system at the high school,” Marston said.

Excavation for the project will start the week of the 15th, Marston said, and it is scheduled to be completed by the third week in August 2009. He said that none of the summer activities at the high school will be disrupted by the project, because the old facility will still be in place during that time.

Marston said that once the project is completed, the switch over to the new facility will happen very quickly, likely over a weekend. He said there will be no delay to the start of the school year because of the project.

Marston said that money for the project will come from the district’s general fund. The school board approved the project with a 5-0 vote.