The company said that by 2020 the world energy demand will have risen by 50%. Knowing that only 22% of the world’s prospective hydropower is being utilized, WER unites with Wasserkraft Volk and Energia Total to catalyze and conserve this potential.

Wasserkraft Volk (WKV) of Gutach, Germany, has been commissioned to build three of the 13 slated hydroelectric sites in Guatemala. They are expected to be completed by this year. WKV is a manufacturer and patent holder of small and medium sized hydropower plants. They run five custom turbine technologies in over 30 countries worldwide.

In a related development, agreements have also been signed with Energia Total. The Guatemalan energy company will purchase 100% of the power generated by the 3WKV-built turbines.

World Energy Research is in charge of funding and managing the project. After this phase is complete, World Energy Research has plans for ten more hydroelectric sites in Guatemala. It’s also exploring Guatemala’s solar, wind, biomass and geothermal energy potential.