This exercise, in conjunction with the recently commenced 5,000 metre in-fill Reverse Circulation drilling program, is designed to upgrade a significant portion of the current resource from Inferred to Indicated category.

The new campaign will also include a 100-hole drilling and re-probing program to the west of the known resource targeting extensions to the 2008 Inferred Resource.

Downhole probing has so far been completed for 98 holes (1,683 metres) before technical issues with the probe halted work. The probe is due back on site by August 6, 2009 to continue with the program. Highlights from new probe results are as follows;

12.4m at 178ppm eU3O8 from 0.76m in hole M0433;

7.9m at 170ppm eU3O8 from 0.88m in hole M0478;

8.6m at 153ppm eU3O8 from 0.77m in hole M0479;

6.6m at 302ppm eU3O8 from 1.20m in hole M1027;

6.3m at 130ppm eU3O8 from 0.93m in hole M1036;

10.0m at 149ppm eU3O8 from 0.55m in hole SP043;

8.1m at 442ppm eU3O8 from 5.28m in hole SP0586;

9.7m at 138ppm eU3O8 from 3.37m in hole SP1140;

7.2m at 256ppm eU3O8 from 1.12m in hole SP1440;

7.3m at 298ppm eU3O8 from 0.80m in hole SP1449;

7.7m at 245ppm eU3O8 from 1.72m in hole SP1459;

11.3m at 347ppm eU3O8 from 0.69m in hole SP2591;

7.7m at 237ppm eU3O8 from 0.59m in hole SP2611.

These results are from in-fill probing of historical Goldfields holes not previously included in the June 2008 resource calculation. In addition to these holes, the company’s resource consultants, SRK Consulting, have selected 90 holes within the Marenica resource area for Quality Assurance and control procedures.

These holes are selected from a variety of holes drilled by West Australian Metals and Goldfields. Valid comparisons can be made between historical probe results from the original Goldfields data and recent probe and assay data from work completed by West Australian Metals since 2006.

Exploration Gathering Momentum at Marenica

West Australian Metals’ aggressive exploration and evaluation program at Marenica is gathering momentum, with the company allocating a AUD5 million budget to exploration over the next six months, as reported previously.

In addition to the resource extension and upgrade work underway through drilling and re-probing, the company is well advanced with preparations for drilling at the exciting Philippus, and Springbok hydrothermally altered granite prospects.

Ground radiometric surveys, mapping and rock chip sampling have been completed in preparation for drilling. These prospects are identified as high-tenor airborne radiometric anomalies, with field reconnaissance identifying primary uranium mineralisation associated with altered alaskitic granites and pegmatites.

The company is also planning to undertake a major regional airborne survey covering about 180 sq km of previously unexplored areas within the Marenica Project area where previous reconnaissance ground surveys have indicated high potential for both palaeo-channel and primary hard rock uranium mineralisation.