The new Clean Path Energy Center will feature a 680MW clean-fueled natural gas combined cycle power plant co-located with an advanced 70MW solar photovoltaic (PV) project, the first of its kind in the US.

Expected to meet the future electrical needs in a highly economic and sustainable manner, the Clean Path Energy Center will use the robust natural gas and electrical infrastructure in San Juan county.

Western Energy Partners president Curt Hildebrand said: "This uniquely configured project will feature unprecedented operating efficiencies, exceptionally fast ramping rates and will establish new standards for environmental stewardship."

San Juan County Commission chairman Keith Johns said: "The Commissioners consider this project to be a tremendous opportunity for San Juan County to proactively address the dramatic impact that the retirement of the region’s aging coal plants will have on our local economy and tax base."

Approximately 800 jobs will be created during the peak construction phase of the project, which is expected to be completed in mid-2019.