The lift and set of the conical roofs for Sanmen and Haiyang Units 1 were completed on Nov. 23 and Dec.15 by the Joint Project Management Organization (JPMO) that was formed by a group of experts from Westinghouse, CB&I and SNPTC. The total lift with rigging of each roof was more than 800 tons (the weight of the conical roof and other steel structural modules was about 780 tons), and took less than two hours at each site. The projects were managed by the Site Project Management Organizations.

The roof settings for Sanmen and Haiyang Units 1 are an additional important step in Westinghouse’s delivery of China’s four AP1000 nuclear power plant units, following the successful placement earlier this year of the containment vessel top heads there. The achievement further demonstrates the company’s commitment to the safe, high-quality and efficient delivery of its AP1000 plants worldwide.

"We congratulate our partners, suppliers, customers and employees on the successful and precise placement of the conical roofs at both Sanmen Unit 1 and Haiyang Unit 1. These achievements bring us closer to delivering safe, clean and affordable energy to China through AP1000 plant technology," said Jeff Benjamin, Westinghouse senior vice president for Nuclear Power Plants.

Westinghouse and CB&I signed landmark contracts with China customers in 2007 to provide four AP1000 pressurized water reactors in China: two in Sanmen in Zhejiang province, and another pair in Haiyang in Shandong province.