Westinghouse president and chief executive officer Aris Candris said the first pour of concrete at the Sanmen site is significant because it explains that SNPTC, Westinghouse and Shaw Group are committed to bringing all four plants on line in a timely and efficient manner.

Completion of concrete pour is a major milestone that visibly moves the Sanmen project from the design and discussion stage to the construction stage, Candris said. More importantly, by getting this project underway on schedule, we are further helping to ensure that baseload electricity generation will begin at this plant as intended in 2013.

Candris also lauded China nuclear industry, and the government of Peoples Republic of China for implementing advanced nuclear energy program which will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and further ensure energy independence.

The Peoples Republic of China is taking a leadership position in building infrastructure and developing a comprehensive energy strategy that will support economic growth in an environmentally acceptable manner, Candris said. Westinghouse is proud to be a part of this effort, and we look forward to assisting our valued Chinese customers in a manner that is long term and mutually beneficial to the peoples of our two great countries.

The pour encompassed 5,200 cubic meters of concrete, 950 tons of reinforcing steel and 1000 anchor bolts. The concrete will be the foundation for all of the nuclear island buildings, including the containment vessel and the shield building.

Addition to four plants the Westinghouse consortium is under contract to provide in China, Westinghouse and the AP1000 have been recognized as the supplier and technology of choice for no less than 14 plants which have been announced in US, including six for which engineering, procurement and construction contracts have been signed.