The acquisition includes three producing wells drilled to 250ft and a six-inch steel pipe gathering system, and consists of about 252 net acres of leasehold in Westmoreland County.

Westmont president Glenn McQuiston said that with the addition of this acquisition, the company has taken significant steps in its plans to acquire about 3,650 net acres of Marcellus leaseholds.

"On the newly acquired acreage, we plan to increase the depth of the existing wells, demonstrate the long-term potential of this acreage and follow on with additional wells," McQuiston said.

In addition to the latest acquisition,Westmont’s portfolio includes the pending development in the Chattanooga Shale region in Tennessee with 92 existing wells, 2,033 lease acres with 68 existing wells in Pennsylvania, and an additional 1,650 lease acres with 60 existing wells in West Virginia, US.