The company has filed an application with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) for the Mobile Bay South III Expansion Project, which is expected to deliver natural gas that will provide service to around one million homes.

The project will provide 225,000 dekatherms per day of firm transportation service on the Transco Mobile Bay Lateral from the Station 85 4A Pooling Point and other receipt points located at Transco’s Station 85 in Choctaw County, Alabama, to interconnections with Florida Gas Transmission and Bay Gas Storage in Mobile County, Alabama.

The expansion will also include adding compression power at Transco Compressor Station 85 in Choctaw County and upgrading the existing facilities in Washington and Mobile counties in Alabama.

Upon approval by FERC, the company will begin construction in spring 2014.

Transco system general manager Frank Ferazzi said growing power-generation demand has dramatically increased utilization of Transco’s Mobile Bay Lateral in recent years.

"Our proposed Mobile Bay South III expansion is an efficient way to move additional supply from a well-positioned compressor station in Choctaw County, Ala. to a number of regional storage facilities to growing Southeastern markets," Ferazzi added.