The plant was directly affected by a fire on April 23 and has been shut down since then.

The company is assessing damage and developing preliminary plans, in coordination with regulatory agencies, in order to bring the remaining four plants back into service in a safe, systematic and timely manner.

No injuries or damage to property outside the facility was reported and the plant’s emergency procedures performed as designed.

Through five turbo-expander cryogenic gas-processing units, the Opal gas-processing plant is designed to process 1.5bcf of natural gas per day.

The initial visual assessment of damage indicates that the impact was limited to a small area of the TXP-3 unit although the company is due to make a full assessment of all plant equipment.

At the time of the incident, it was one of the four units the plant had running to handle recent daily inlet volumes of approximately 1bcf of natural gas. The fifth unit was idle, serving as excess capacity for the facility.