The system, which is due to be deployed in the first quarter of 2015, will be utilized as part of a research and development project supporting offshore wind generation.

The WindSentinel system will collect wind speed and direction data up to heights of 200m along with metocean data, atmospheric pressure and air temperature.

Axys international accounts manager Chad MacIsaac said: "One of the key objectives of this project is demonstrate how wind power can be generated offshore in the United states at a cost comparable to conventional generation sources.

"AXYS is pleased to support this objective by the application of floating LiDAR technology, which reduces the cost of offshore wind resource assessment by a factor of ten."

The WindSentinel can collect comprehensive wind speed and wind direction data up to heights of 200m as well as metocean data including directional waves, ocean currents, tide, salinity, water temperature, atmospheric pressure and air temperature.

AXYS said the information will help the project stakeholders understand the wind resource available at the proposed development location and lay the groundwork for future offshore wind development at a commercial scale in the region.