Under the contract, Wood Group will study the pre-FEED options, carry out the front-end engineering design process, and procure support for the 230km gas pipeline, in addition to undertaking structural designs for a deepwater Pipeline End Manifold (PLEM).

The gas pipeline will be linked directly to the Shetland Islands regional gas export line and from there to St Fergus.

Wood Group Kenny CEO Steve Wayman said, "This is excellent news and keeps us positioned as leaders in the design of pipeline systems in the extreme and hostile environment West of Shetlands."

The development project is a joint venture between Chevron North Sea Statoil (UK), OMV (UK) and DONG Exploration & Production (UK).

With 40% interest in the Rosebank oil and gas field, Chevron is the operator, while the other field development partners include Statoil with 30% interest, OMV with 20%, and Dong Exploration & Production with 10%.