The $25m capacity expansion project will increase the instilled capacity by 4.6-MW, with the new north powerhouse.

Work will involve replacement of the existing spillway with four turbine-generator units, of which two units will be procured from a US based turbine developer while the other two units will be secured from China.

The company will also increase the height of the flashboards across the top of the dam by 1.5 feet.

The new powerhouse will commence operations in December 2012 and the electricity generated will be supplied to the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities, following a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA).

The PPA will allow BPU to increase the Kansas renewable portfolio standard of 15% by 2016.

The south powerhouse is equipped with seven turbine-generating units with a total capacity of 2.35 MW.

The company secured federal funding for the project which will be delivered by Kissick Construction, Olsson Associates, Sabatini Architects, Mid-States Energy Work.

The project secured finance from Landmark National Bank, reports