ZBB’s ZESS 50 batteries will be integrated into a power module that uses multiple components such as diesel generators and hydrogen fuel cells, to provide electricity to the Bella Coola region.

The integrated system will interface with a micro-grid Powertech, a subsidiary of BC Hydro, to enhance the utilization of BC Hydro’s Clayton Falls hydro plant, and thereby reduce reliance on diesel generation and cut greenhouse gas emissions in British Columbia.

The project, which will be tested over the next few weeks, is expected to begin operation by the end of August.

Powertech conducted a thorough evaluation of ZBB Energy’s technology and ability to integrate with conventional generation systems, following which, ZBB secured the contract through a competitive bidding process.

Eric Apfelbach, president and CEO of ZBB Energy, said: “Delivering these units marks another step in our evolution as a supplier of highly adaptable energy storage systems that meet rigorous customer requirements for durability and performance.

“Our ZESS 50 batteries and ZESS POWR PECC will help stabilize the system by storing excess power and dispatching it throughout the Bella Coola system when Clayton Falls is unable to do so. This should reduce the use of diesel generators and help Powertech achieve a green power solution in these remote areas.”