Planned to be built at the Port of Brownsville, Texas, US, the six million tons per annum (Mtpa) LNG export terminal is being jointly developed by Exelon, Black & Veatch, and Kiewit Energy Group.
Annova LNG project will comprise pipeline meter station; natural gas pretreatment and liquefaction facilities; two LNG storage tanks; marine dock and LNG transfer facilities; control room, administration/maintenance building; site access road; and utilities including power, water, and communication systems.
The project is planned to be developed on a 73-acre site owned by Brownsville Navigation District (BND) on the south bank of the Brownsville Ship Channel (BSC).
Annova LNG CEO Omar Khayum said: “We appreciate the extensive reviews conducted by FERC and the cooperating agencies.
“We are pleased they recognize our proactive approach to minimizing our impact on the environment, including investing in mitigation that is above and beyond what is required by local, state and federal regulations.”
It will receive 900 million cubic feet (Mcf) of feed gas a day via a non-jurisdictional intrastate, 36-inch-diameter natural gas pipeline.
In reference to the project’s overall environmental impact, the FERC EIS said: “We conclude that impacts on the environment from the proposed Project would be reduced to less than significant levels with the implementation of Annova’s proposed impact avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures and the additional measures recommended by FERC staff.”
In addition to creating approximately 700 jobs during four-year construction phase, the Annova LNG project would employ approximately 165 permanent full-time workers once operational.
The Annova LNG facility is expected to diversify the Brownsville and the Rio Grande Valley economy.
Construction on the project is planned to commence in 2020 with completion scheduled in 2024.
The South Texas Electric Cooperative (STEC) will provide electricity to the Annova LNG facility, through a new 24km-long transmission line and a 138kV switchyard in the project area.