The Biden administration has lifted sanctions on a firm constructing the Nord Stream 2 gas export pipeline that will deliver Russian gas to Europe.
Sanctions on Nord Stream 2’s chief executive Matthias Warnig have also been waived off by the US government.
The gas pipeline will be owned and operated by Nord Stream 2, a subsidiary of Russia’s state-owned Gazprom.
A report by the US State Department has concluded that Nord Stream 2 and Warnig, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, were involved in activity that warranted sanctions.
The Department has levied sanctions on four Russian ships, including the Akademik Cherskiy, which are related to the construction of the Baltic Sea pipeline.
In April, Akademik Cherskiy commenced pipe-laying for the Nord Stream 2 project in Danish waters.
The US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “Today’s actions demonstrate the Administration’s commitment to energy security in Europe, consistent with the President’s pledge to rebuild relationships with our allies and partners in Europe.
“We will continue to oppose the completion of this project, which would weaken European energy security and that of Ukraine and Eastern flank NATO and EU countries. Our opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is unwavering.”
The State Department has also imposed sanctions on five other Russian entities, including the Russian Marine Rescue Service, Reuters reported.
Originating from eastern Russia, Nord Stream 2 is a twin 1,230km pipeline that will traverse Finnish, Swedish and Danish waters to terminate near the German coast of the Baltic Sea to serve approximately 26 million households in Western Europe.
Estimated to be built with an investment of $11bn, the Nord Stream 2 will have a capacity to transport 55 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas.
In December last year, the Russia-led Nord Stream 2 consortium reportedly completed pipe-laying work for the gas export pipeline project in German waters.