Lang Lebah Gas Field is located within block SK410B, offshore Malaysia. (Credit: © PTT Exploration and Production Plc)
The Lang Lebah-2 well test indicated a flow rate of 50 MMSCFD. (Credit: © PTT Exploration and Production Plc.)
PTTEP HKO, KUFPEC, and Petronas Carigali signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with PETRONAS for exploration and production rights of Block SK410B. (Credit: KUFPEC)

Lang Lebah Gas Field is located within block SK410B, in the Central Luconia Province, around 90km from the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia.

PTTEP HK Offshore (PTTEP HKO) is the operator for Block SK410B with 42.5% participating interest.

KUFPEC Malaysia, a subsidiary of Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration (KUFPEC) (42.5%) and Petronas Carigali (15%) are the other stakeholders.

The front-end engineering and design (FEED) contracts for onshore and offshore components of the development were awarded in 2022.

The final investment decision for the project is expected to be taken in 2023.

Block SK410B details

The SK410B block is located in shallow waters, around 90km off the coast of Miri, Sarawak, beside Block SK417 with proven gas reserves.

The block encompasses an area of approximately 1,800km2.

In July 2016, PTTEP HKO, KUFPEC and Petronas Carigali signed a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with Petroleum National Berhad (Petronas) for exploration and production rights of the offshore block.

Lang Lebah field discovery and appraisal  

The Lang Lebah field was discovered in 2019 by first exploration well Lang Lebah-1RDR2. The well was drilled to a depth of 3,810m and encountered 252m of net gas pay.

It was said to be the largest-ever gas discovery by PTTEP.

The Lang Lebah-2 appraisal well, completed in mid-January 2021, was drilled to a total depth of 4,320m with proven more than 600m of net gas pay. A well test indicated a flow rate of 50 million cubic feet of gas per day (MMSCFD).

In December 2022, PTTEP announced another discovery in Block SK410B after drilling the exploration well Paprika-1.

The company started the drilling of the Paprika-1 wildcat well in July 2022. The well was drilled to a total depth of 3,348m and encountered gas pay in clastic reservoirs.

The Lang Lebah field is estimated to be a multi-TCF gas discovery. It is expected to host around 5 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of gas in place.

Lang Lebah development plan

The Lang Lebah Field development includes onshore and offshore components.

The shallow-water field will comprise one central processing platform with jackets, two wellhead platforms and jackets, one flare platform, one 42inch trunk line, an intra field pipeline and two bridges.

The gas from the Lang Lebah field will be treated at an onshore gas plant and then it will be transferred to the Malaysia LNG Complex.

A Land Heads of Agreement (HOA) was signed in June 2022 between Sarawak State Government through Sarawak Economic Development Corporation (SEDC) and Petronas, Sarawak Shell and PTTEP for a long-term lease of land within the Petchem Industrial Park in Bintulu, Sarawak.

The land will be utilised to build an onshore plant complex that will form a part of the Sarawak Integrated Sour Gas Evacuation System (SISGES) project.

The offshore field may come on stream in 2026.

Contractors Involved

In October 2022, Technip Energies won a contract from PTTEP HKO to carry out the front-end engineering design (FEED) of the Lang Lebah Onshore Gas Plant 2 (OGP2) project in Bintulu.

The scope of work includes the design of an onshore gas plant along with the integrated flow assurance of the native CO2 capture, compression, and transportation via pipeline up to the offshore wellhead platform.

Perunding Ranhill Worley, a subsidiary of project management and engineering consultancy company Ranhill Worley, secured the FEED contract for offshore facilities for Lang Lebah Development.

In June 2020, HGIS was awarded a one-year contract for the provision of a shallow water site survey for the SK410B development.

PTTEP utilised the modular Symphony live downhole reservoir testing string united by Muzic Aeon premium-performance wireless telemetry to procure accurate critical downhole data in real-time. The data helped in resolving complex testing challenges in the HPHT, heavyweight mud environment.
