On 15 May 2018, within the business program of the Tenth Anniversary International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018, Executive Vice President of Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc. Naohiro Masuda made a presentation on “Emergency Response at Fukushima Daini NPP during East Japan Earthquake”. Mr. Masuda participated in the Forum upon the invitation of TENEX.
During the tragic events in March 2011, Naohiro Masuda worked as Chief Engineer at Fukushima Daini NPP. He played a crucial role in the safety shutdown of the NPP and mitigation of the adverse consequences of the emergency situation.
As the Japanese expert believes, this became possible thanks to the dedicated teamwork of all NPP employees, immediate provision of all necessary equipment and precise allocation of tasks.
“The lesson we all learnt from the events, which happened at the NPP during the East Japan Earthquake in 2011, is that each and every employee must always be psychologically ready to react to any emergency in a prompt and agile way. Their chief must not only remain at their workplace and act as usual, but also keep on smiling to the staff, however, in full understanding that he is responsible for every decision made,” said Mr. Masuda.
For reference:
TENEX is one of the world’s major NFC products suppliers. Since 2015, the company has been acting as the industry-wide integrator of international sales of back-end reference products, works and services. In fulfillment of the Memorandum of Cooperation in Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy signed on 16 December 2016 by ROSATOM, METI and MEXT, TENEX in consortium with RosRAO and on order of Mitsubishi Research Institute works on projects on neutron detector development and analysis of fuel debris ageing. The results of the research will be used for the needs of Fukushima Daiichi NPP post-accident recovery.