TENEX (the Company) brings the 2018 year activity to a successful conclusion. The Company’s results are preliminary estimated by about US $1.7 billion as per the sales volume and by about US $17.4 billion as per the long-terms contracts portfolio.
The Company has carried out more than 70 enriched uranium products export shipments and about 20 natural uranium sales out of TENEX’s foreign material stock accounts to the customers from 11 countries.
The overall value of 16 new contracts concluded with 10 customers from 5 countries amounts up to US $1.9 billion. Necessary to emphasize the signing within the XXII St. Petersburg International Economic Forum business program long-term contracts with Electricite de France SA (EDF) for the complex management services with reprocessed material and supplies of regenerated uranium production for providing the needs of French NPPs.
In 2018 TENEX and Uranium One Group have implemented a set of measures for the integration of commercial activities within the implementation of ROSATOM decisions aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Russian nuclear fuel cycle products on the world market. The main result was unity of natural uranium sales management, both companies corporate structure optimization, total internal costs reduction.
The Company’s cooperation with foreign partners in the field of back-end was further developed. For ensuring the safe management of Akkuyu NPP’s spent nuclear fuel (SNF) TENEX carried out preparatory work under a long-term contract with AKKUYU NUKLEER A.Ş. (Turkey). Feasibility studies were carried out to the benefit of potential customers in the field of SNF management. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed with IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, S.A.U. (Spain).
Considering the announcements that 2018-2019 are the cross years of Russia in Japan and Japan in Russia, special attention was paid to business dialogue with Japanese partners. An important part of it was the special events organized by the Company within the framework of the X International Forum ATOMEXPO 2018’s business program. By the orders of the Mitsubishi Research Institute TENEX in a consortium with FSUE RosRAO developed a neutron detector and carried out the research project of the ageing properties of fuel debris, while bearing in mind the Fukushima Daiichi NPP accident recovery works.
In 2018 TENEX in partnership with the FSUE Scientific Research Institute SIA “LUCH” has successfully completed the project related to processing of Orano’s uranium compositions of different forms and enrichment, and supplied to France the final product of processing in the form of metal uranium enriched to 19.75%. The supplied material will be used by Orano for fabrication of fuel assemblies for research reactors. This technically complicated project is a new line of business for TENEX. Its successful implementation forms a practical basis for a long-term mutually beneficial cooperation between the ROSATOM organizations and Orano in this field of activity.
In September 2018 TENEX as ROSATOM’s authorized organization signed a contract with the IAEA (Agency) to provide a full scope of logistics services for low enriched uranium (LEU) transit through the territory of Russia for the LEU Bank created by the Agency on the territory of Ulba metallurgical plant in the Republic of Kazakhstan (a facility for storage up to 90 metric tons of LEU).
The Company traditionally pays much attention to corporate management systems development and improvement – in 2018 occupational health and safety management system of TENEX in the provision of services in support of the back-end of the nuclear facilities life cycle was certified by the German certification authority TÜV Thüringen e.V. as complying with the requirements of the international standard OHSAS 18001:2007.
The social responsibility is a part of the company’s long-term success strategy. In this context the practice of voluntary blood donation has been an essential part of the TENEX’s corporate culture in course of the recent years. In 2018 the Company held three blood donation actions with the involvement of the ROSATOM organizations and partner companies employees. During the campaigns more than 90 liters of whole blood were collected for patients of the A.N. Bakulev National Scientific and Practical Centre for Cardiovascular Surgery.
The outgoing year was the tenth anniversary one for the ROSATOM public reporting system project, in which TENEX has been participating since its launch among the six key industry organizations. During this time, the public annual reports of the Company have repeatedly received the highest awards of authoritative specialized competitions. 2018 year also was not an exemption – TENEX, participating for the first time in the prestigious ARC Awards International annual reports competition conducted by MerComm Inc. (USA) for more than three decades, received the Grand Prix “Best of Russia” for the best 2017 annual report in Russia, according to the jury opinion.